Health begins in the womb. This is an important period for laying a wholesome health foundation for both mom and baby. A mother’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being cannot be emphasized enough during their 40 week period.
The holistic pregnancy support program at Golden Awareness includes customized Diet, Nutrition, Lifestyle and Emotional Counseling sessions, therapeutic breathing sessions (Pranayama) and Pre-Natal Bodyworks (marma therapy).
These measures improve absorption of nutrients, blood circulation and the flow of vital life force through the body amongst other things, while providing comfort until the deeper emotional level. At the end of the day, you will be physically and emotionally prepared for labor, and your baby will be a healthy bundle of joy!
The therapies included in this standard package and their benefits are mentioned below. The package can be customized to individual requirements.
Diet and Nutritional Counseling (with written report)
A holistic nutrition approach nourishes you until the energetic level. This helps optimize both your nutrition status and life force (prana/ chi). Modern nutrition only focuses on the physical aspect of nutrition, namely carbs, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. Holistic nutrition considers the life force (prana/ chi) content of the food as well, and actively employs herbs and natural food rich in enzymes and phytonutrients for complete nutrition and energy. Furthermore, the diet program is customized to your unique metabolic type for heightened wellbeing and energy.
Personalized Breathing Sessions plus Lifestyle, Emotional and Spiritual Counseling
More than food, we need air (oxygen) to survive. Adequate oxygen intake is vital for optimum metabolic, mental, circulatory and nervous functions, along with peace and clarity of mind. A few simple yet scientifically proven breathing techniques, from the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda, can actually help us achieve a heightened level of health and wellbeing. Right breathing is all the more important during pregnancy, when the growing fetus could greatly benefit from more oxygen intake, so vital for brain development.
Lifestyle, Emotional and Spiritual Counseling sessions will ensure you are equipped with the right awareness, attitude and practical measures in caring for your health during and after pregnancy. The idea is to remove your doubts, fear and feelings of inadequacy as you embark on this beautiful journey. I will be there for you – guiding and sharing with you all along. Such reassuring personalized care will translate into more confidence and a positive attitude as a mother.
Lifestyle measures include preparation of herbal teas and formulations for common ailments, self-massage, aromatherapy, recommended exercises, etc. Visualization, inspirational thinking, positive affirmations and other related exercises will be included in these sessions.
Prenatal Gentle Marma Massage
Marmas are vital energy points in the body. More information on this is rendered in the Acupressure/ Marma Therapy page. The prenatal bodyworks are designed to deal with aches, pains, stiffness and cramps during pregnancy. The use of warm, organic, aromatic therapeutic oils would enhance a sense of wellbeing, which would positively benefit the baby within as well.
PLUS… free products and discount on chemical free products and health supplements such as organic honey, royal jelly, massage oils, chemical free toothgels, and other vital products which support a healthy pregnancy.
Special Package Offer – Free Holistic Health Guide! A New Age Manual for the New Mother, Postnatal and Beyond, authored by Dr. Dimple Arora.

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