Acupressure and Ayurvedic Marma Therapy
The acupressure treatment is used as an adjunct to the holistic nutrition therapy. It is customized to the individual’s needs to help open blocks in internal organs and meridians. This facilitates flow of blood, improves metabolism, promotes secretion of hormones, and enhances life force throughout the body.
Relief from chronic conditions like migraines, insomnia, arthritic pains, muscle stiffness, menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms, indigestion, fertility issues, obesity, thyroid disorders, amongst other ailments have been achieved in many cases, thanks to acupressure and marma therapy. The World Health Organization recognizes acupressure as a valid treatment modality.
Marma refers to key energy points in Ayurveda, which correspond to the meeting points of major arteries, nerves, joints and muscles in the body. These points accumulate stress more than others, and are most vulnerable in the body. Therapeutic massage on these points with aromatic oils can be instantly relieving. Conversely, accidental injury or stress on these points can lead to chronic aches, pain and disorders, if not checked in good time. Marma massage therapy is used until today for wrestlers and athletes in India to enhance vitality. It can be safely used for children and adults from all walks of life.
Healing magnets, as well as healing sounds from Tibetan singing bowl are used as adjuncts to this deeply restorative bodywork.
Key benefits of this unique combination of bodyworks are:
Calming of nervous system and excess Vata energy. Many clients suffering insomnia find it easier to fall asleep after undergoing this treatment.
Opening up of energy blocks in meridians, promoting flow of vital life force and blood circulation. In many cases, relief from rheumatic joint pains and numbness in limbs , relief from migraines and constipation have been achieved.
Heightened sense of emotional wellbeing. Having received my Reiki attunements, I channel positive healing energy in a subtle way during the session, which serves to heighten feelings of emotional and energetic wellness.

“I don’t work well with stress and I am trained to know the side effects modern medicines can bring. So when my body tighten up in a big knot, I wanted to go the natural way for relief. I searched for a Naturopath and found Dimple. She evaluated my pulse and recommended a big change in my diet, taught me some breathing technique to calm myself and then signed up for a series of marma massages to release the blocked areas. Within 2 sessions, my digestive system responded positively and I felt much better, less toxic, much calmer, increased alertness and had more energy. Through Dimple’s advice, I am able to watch the triggers in my diet and eat healthily that suit my metabolic type. Of course, modern medicines are important for serious ailments but I highly recommend Dimple for a balance nutrition and diet for a great health with positive side effects.” – A well balanced, happy and healthy Mom of 2 teenagers living in this busy polluted city.

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