Metabolic Harmony with Ayurveda & Nutrition Science
” Dr. Dimple’s holistic clinic offers to those families living in a city like Bangkok good solutions to improve their immune system with a holistic approach which is very efficient and natural. My daughter was having regular coughs and constant runny nose. We never wanted to give her antibiotics. So, after we met Dimple we tried her method and it worked very well. Since then my daughter eats better and she has a better health. I believe in Dimple’s holistic approach because I think that all her products are 100% natural. Also, her nutritional advises are great. She writes a personalized report that gives all the information regarding the correct nutrition that should be applied. I certainly recommend her to all of you!” Larisa Grajderu, Expat Mother from Romania.
This is a practical, integrative therapy which combines the best of western nutrition science with Eastern herbal wisdom. Scientifically validated herbal solutions from the healthcare system of Ayurveda are employed in conjunction with modern nutrition principles, adapted to modern lifestyles. To the uninitiated, Ayurveda (Knowledge of Life) is a system of healthcare with emphasis on prevention through appropriate diet and lifestyle solutions. It originated in the Indian subcontinent about 5,000 years ago, and until today is practiced as a parallel system of healthcare here. Millions of people in the East and West have benefited and stand testimony to the simple yet scientific solutions offered by the Ayurvedic approach. It is a recognized system of healthcare in some parts of the U.S and Europe.The holistic nutrition approach practiced at the Golden Awareness Clinic has been used to heal hundreds of individuals over the past couple of years. I have successfully treated the following conditions in the past few years
- Eating disorders
- Chronic constipation/ indigestion/ bloating/ digestive issues
Acidity - Low energy/ chronic fatigue
- Insomnia
- Childhood ailments (cough, congestion, low immunity, hyperactivity, ADD, etc.)
- Recurring headaches/ migraines
- Menopausal symptoms
- Urinary tract infections
- Skin disorders (acne, rashes,eczema, etc.)
- Weight problem: overweight/ underweight
- High cholesterol
- High blood sugar
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Allergies
- Weak kidney functions
- Liver disorders
The holistic nutrition approach is highly customized and can be summarized as follows:
Step 1. Identifying an individual’s metabolic type.
This involves a thorough assessment through interrogation and pulse diagnosis, which can take 90-120 minutes. I urge my clients to bring in latest blood/ urine test results, along with related medical tests (allergy, live blood analysis, etc.)
According to the holistic doctrine of Ayurveda, each human being is made of three bioenergies (doshas) at the quantum level, and it is the unique combination of these bioenergies (also called doshas in Ayurveda) which determines our personality, mental ,emotional disposition and disease tendencies
If one or more of the bioenergies are out of balance with our natural constitution over a period of time, ailments manifest.
Here is what the World Health Organization (WHO) has to say on Ayurveda
“…it was concluded that Ayurveda would be the most effective system of alternative healing. There is hope that a global medicine will be created, with Ayurveda as its base.”
To identify your metabolic type through a quiz, and access general balancing guidelines, go to your online shop: Urban Ayurveda by Dr. Arora. goldenawareness.ecwid.com. Alternatively, get in touch with Dr. Arora for a consultation online or at the clinic.
Step 2. Fine tuning the client’s diet and lifestyle to align them better with their inherent metabolic type.
- A thorough analysis is done of the patient’s daily diet and lifestyle, in order to identify potential triggers. A metabolic-type friendly diet will generate fewer toxins (undigested food) in the system, which eventually leads to better absorption of nutrients, more energy and enhanced immunity.
- A personalized 4-5 pages written report is rendered via email to the client after the first session. The report includes diet & lifestyle guidelines, as well as customized herbal solutions (herbal supplements from the clinic + common kitchen herbs) to address current ailments.
Step 3. Ensuring commitment to the program
- At least one follow-up session scheduled in advance during the first visit. Dr. Arora endeavors to get her clients started on the fine-tuned diet regimen, and personally motivate them to keep on track.
- The clients are encouraged to develop a personal rapport with Dr. Arora. They are free to call and write to update me of their progress or otherwise. If a suggested solution is not working, changes to the diet are made promptly.
Step 4.: Use of chemical-free supplements to boost the immune system naturally Whole organic food items rich in live enzymes and phytonutrients are employed as supplements at our clinic, to boost the nutrition status of clients as they embark on their program. (These can be purchased online in our Urban Ayurveda Shop)
USP of Dr. Arora’s Holistic Nutrition Program
Customized Coaching: This is a highly customized and interactive healing approach, where the client is engaged as an active participant in the healing process. The client grows in awareness with each nutrition and lifestyle counseling/ coaching session.
Holistic: The healing approach addresses wellness on all levels- diet and nutrition to strengthen the physical body, healthy lifestyle measures, breathing techniques, acupressure, marma therapy, mindfulness ritual, affirmations, emotional de-stress, and enhanced awareness to enhance life force. This translates into mental and emotional wellbeing.
Sustainable: Clients feel in control and experiences positive changes as they embark on the program. This encourages them to implement the diet and lifestyle solutions, which would ultimately strengthen their immune system in years to come.

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