Q. Hi D! I am 19 years old. I should be out with friends checking out the latest food joint on weekends. Instead, I am home eating bland food, the same old grub day after day. Reason – my darn food allergies over the past couple of years! I cannot stomach tomatoes because I break into a rash. When I drink milk or eat potato chips, I get indigestion. Even nuts like peanuts give me a bloated feeling. I feel allergic to the world! Allergies don’t run in my family. What caused it? Is this something I have to live it for the rest of my life? I don’t want to take medications. Can you show me an alternative way? Thanks in advance. I will await your answer anxiously and implement your suggestions straight away.
P.S: Your solutions to dandruff worked like a miracle for me! – Rashmi Goyal, College Student
Rashmi, I can totally empathize with your condition. Life indeed seems unfair when we can’t partake of its simplest pleasure – eating.
We are a product of the food we consume, the air we breathe, the water we drink, our experiences and our thoughts. In short, our environment. If the origin of the food you consume on a daily basis is the same as your elemental origin (ie., Mother Nature), and the food is wholesome and compatible with your metabolic type, it gets effortlessly digested and assimilated to nourish each cell in your body. However, if your lifestyle dictates you choose man made processed fast food (whose ingredients we can barely understand) over slow whole food, then rest assured even your body does not understand how to process such ingredients typically used to enhance flavors and shelf-life. The result is accumulation of toxins or undigested food in the body systems which play havoc with your biochemistry. Ultimately, your immune intelligence is compromised
Apart from food additives, wrong food combinations, eating excess of one thing on a daily basis, consuming hormone-tainted dairy and meat products as well as processed cereals, wheat products, corn, etc. very early in life (earlier than 10-12 months as toddlers), toxins in the environment and genetics are a few factors which predispose us to this autoimmune condition called food allergy. Emotional stress and depression are also exacerbating factors.
An allergy is simply an over-reaction of our immune system. The immune system loses its intelligence (or should I say memory) to identify the use of certain food components. It does not know what to do with them. So, it decides to get rid of the foreign matter by launching an attack. Biochemical secretions like histamine are released into the bloodstream to fight the offending matter (like it would do to a virus) and restore peace to the body. Only that its well-meaning intention backfires big time! The individual suffers symptoms such as rashes, hives, breathlessness, bloating (amongst other things), depending on his/her metabolic type.
The Vata (air) type typically suffers bloating, indigestion, gas (sounds like your symptoms). The Pitta (fire) type is likely to get hives, rashes and inflammation. The Kapha (water + earth) type would likely manifest mucus congestion, breathlessness, congestion and asthma.
Diet and herbal solutions in the holistic tradition are therefore customized to each ones metabolic type and symptoms, for effective relief. Nevertheless, below are a few common guidelines which can be implemented by all allergy afflicted individuals. They might prove adequate if applied consistently over time.
Holy basil leaves (our very own tulsi) has this unusual praphav or potency to subtly correct the memory of the immune system. It has a clarifying effect on the respiratory tract, and aids digestion. It helps the cells breathe better, and facilitates release of carbon dioxide from our system. The tulsi plant can actually add negative ions (which is a good thing- it is the kind of air we find in the rain forest and ocean shores) to the air where it grows. No wonder the ancient seers admonished us to keep a tulsi ma in the center of the house and worship it!
Chew 5-6 basil leaves on an empty stomach each morning, along with warm honey water (if allergic to honey, skip it. Have only warm water instead). You can sprinkle turmeric (haldi) onto the leaves to increase its detox effect.
Neem leaves (bai sadao in Thai) are also good to correct the Pitta type allergies characterized by skin rashes and hives. Make a neem paste by blending a handful of leaves and store. Consume ¼ teaspoon before every meal.
Shatavari (asparagus racemosus) is another wonder herb to cure allergies. It is also called raak samsib in Thai. About 5gm powder can be consumed with honey early morning. Alternatively, pills can be consumed. Shatavari pills can be availed at my clinic.
Consume a whole, fresh and natural diet as much as possible. Cut out all junk food, strong beverages and alcohol from your system. Drink plenty of warm water throughout the day. Warm water (herbalized with lemongrass, fennel, coriander and cardamom) can be very therapeutic.
Yoga and Pranayama can do wonders to keep the system stress free and supple. It also removes energy blocks and promotes flow of vital energy in the body.
This advice is for mothers. Ensure that you breast feed your children for 6-7 months at least. When you start supplementing the diet, ensure it is home-cooked made with fresh grains and veggies. Packed and bottled baby food come with all kinds of hidden ingredients, which can play havoc with your child’s developing immune system. A full blown allergy could erupt when your child becomes a teenager. (More information on early years diet is in my book A New Age Manual for New Mothers, Postnatal & Beyond, available at Asia Books).
Did you know – One out of seven individuals worldwide suffers some form of food allergy, and the number is increasing each year. Children are suffering the most. Common food allergens are found in milk, oranges, tomatoes, eggs, wheat, peanuts, potatoes seafood and mushrooms.
Dimple Arora is a diet and nutrition advisor (London) and an advanced Ayuvedic practitioner (Pune). She runs the Golden Awareness Holistic Nutrition Center in Soi 39. She can be reached at HYPERLINK “mailto:arora@goldenawarness.com” arora@goldenawarness.com. Mobile: 081-840-0640.